Friday, May 13, 2011

Ferritin, Fe, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12

Eucalyptus "yes, no outside Europe?

Read newspapers and listen to as you people are, at least, sadly hilarious. Especially when it comes to issues of defense of "self." I have a couple of pictures to whet your appetite:
words, plants, animals and pussy of Bernarda may be indigenous, but the English, in this case, the Galician, no ... or whatever it is, or we are misplaced or is this mob do not even care about the laugh in the face of others. Although it is sad to see how much ILLITERATE commented things like "off the eucalyptus, pines and oaks put", etc.. Of course, you ask about race and tell you that there is only one, "human" and that borders do not exist and other Memec Marxist culture. Or as many nationalists hear cursing when told of the origins of some Galician (sons of Extremadura, Basque, Castilian ,...) or just see Andalusian, English or Catalan and Galician but call "racist" if other We do the same to the common vision of style streets announcing "Benetton".

And while local and regional government to brush these living playing demagoguery and parochial nationalism, people clap ears and forget or not know that other native if they are being displaced and substituted by invaders AWARE of what they do because, at last, after all, the plants grow and grow wherever they can while many humans do in Spain because it is a CHOLLAZO be an invader.

certainly not the pine and oak (or carballo in Galician) are natives of Galicia if they are introduced species and praised by nineteenth-century nationalists, but tell that to an indoctrination is like half the world see that the bagpipe is not or Galician, or Scottish, or Celtic. Because Europe is not ...


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