Monday, May 9, 2011

Moab Utah Weather In April, 2010

And there are many in bars .....

No, the picture is not made in a Muslim country, nor is it a hidden camera prank. Nor is it a picture taken in the eighth century during the Muslim occupation of the peninsula, the picture is made in Salamanca, Toro street a few days ago.
Specifically, what you see, three women wearing the "niqab" (garment worn by Islamic fundamentalism in countries like Turkey or Saudi Arabia).
In countries like France, have already banned these items, degrading to the dignity of women.
In our view, this garment should be banned only by the fact be an article that discriminates against women and is required to maintain, but it is an attack and an insult to the cultural identity of Spain.
Some people say that we must be tolerant, that each view as you like, etc.. What would happen to a priest or a nun who came to the habit to an Islamic country? Probably not live to tell.
They are concerned to preserve their traditions and culture (to believe anything that has to come to that), and we are trampling our history, our identity, and allow it without even complaining ...


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