Saturday, April 16, 2011

Diagram Parts Of A Shoe

Howl (2010)

The word is the most powerful weapon is the human being. Thanks to this ability, which can transmit sounds or ink or aberrant glorious pleasures hell, that man has achieved his intellectual and social development. However, despite the fact that all human beings are able to use the word, few have the ability to wield it to convey something truly transcendent.

Howl is the biography of one of the most important poems of the last century, work that would become the flag of a generation of American writers known as the beat generation and transformed its author, Allen Ginsberg, one of the most renowned poets of the twentieth century.

Perceptible is the love and admiration that the documentarians Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman, director of the film, and Ginsberg feel for what is considered his masterpiece, that as often happens in the world of poetry is also his first published work.

The theme of the movie recounts the trial that became the owner of the which published the poem, who by strong erotic and bombastic the book was charged by the state on charges of distributing obscene material. Simultaneously with the complaint, two levels are interspersed narrative reconstructions side composed of interviews with Ginsberg, who contextualize and paint a fascinating portrait of the artist, and a recitation of the poem is illustrated by animated sequences created by John Hays.

Howl is one of those films that force and gradually take over footage outweigh their initial mistakes, which in the case of this film are few, as the personification of Ginsberg makes James Franco perceived initially completely out of place, and even the first recitation, which is also accompanied by the worst animated segments could generate some decide to leave the room. However, for some mysterious reason, there comes a point where everything starts to fit perfectly and Franco takes over the role, delivering a powerful interpretation of the poet, whose work ends up spouting as if he had studied throughout his life.

Outside the trial, which is interesting despite the caricature that is made of the accusers, Howl deserves to be seen by the work of James Franco and 'emphasis managers in the poetry of Ginsberg, it is evident that risky approach because the average viewer is not going to the movies for you recite poetry, but in context many of the passages of the play, and succumb to the talents of these bright minds were destroyed by madness.


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