The path of a director who triumphed with his first film is not easy, as usually is the second film exercise which will strengthen your career or to place it in the case of solitary one hit wonders. As you can imagine the pressure is enormous.
That is precisely the situation that was Duncan Jones, who with Moon, his minimalist and extraordinary debut was praised by critics and audiences by presenting a science fiction film that respected the intelligence the viewer, making a round story from beginning to end. The first step was given and the expectations on its second foray film began to grow from the moment it was announced that, as expected, Jones would remain in the range of science fiction for his second film.
I am very intrigued to know the path that would take Duncan Jones Source Code, a film that showed dramatic images of progress and at the same time posed a plot full of twists and unexpected turns, which What is more apparently playing with time travel, an issue that from my point of view is the topic of science fiction more difficult to bring successfully to the big screen.
With all the sadness in the world I say that very little remains in Source Code of Duncan Jones marveled us Moon. The infinite care with which he created his first screenplay, is now completely forgotten in a story that keeps the viewer's interest only in the short period of time that does not know the causes behind the events, because when they begin to explain the continuity errors and logic begin to pile up in a development that ends up being clumsy, embarrassing and absurd.
The plot is simply that a U.S. soldier, played by Jake Gyllenhaal, has a mission to find the terrorist who blew up a train, so the police can stop before completing an attack greater than previously announced. The method to find the villain is that the soldier must travel mentally to a recreation of the 8 minutes before the bomb blast, and interact with passengers to detect the bomber. I will not reveal details of the story for those who come to see this joke enjoy putting together the plot little by little, but then do not say that they were not warned.
The army of fans of Duncan Jones, which I was one until last weekend, defending it's exaggerated concern for scientific proof of the film, as important, they say, is the message that lies behind these details. Nothing could be farther from reality, because if we ignore the sci-fi the script, what remains is a ridiculous love story and a set of search of the culprit, which intentionally or not, you will discover the viewer in the first fifteen minutes of the film.
Duncan Jones does not even have this time among his colleagues to Clint Mansell for their great soundtracks rescue the tape, which the viewer is left only with the intent that makes the musician Chris Bacon to put some tension the scenes.
only thing salvageable from the disaster that is Source Code is photography Don Burgess, who recall the impeccable work you did in Forrest Gump and manages to create some very enjoyable scenes impact. Unfortunately there is nothing more and apparently Source Code will be one of the biggest disappointments I'll have this year. Curiously, the film has a rating of 7.8 on IMDB. Definitely do not understand.
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